Well, after an exasperating 3 and a half hours on and off the phone and speaking to various members of staff of the Royal Bank of Scotland trying to resolve some confusion, I did it. I'll start from the beginning. As you may be aware from the previous post, I am applying to work for RBS after my temporary experience at Natwest bank. I have an interview, but due to the system that RBS has, I had to follow a few steps before the actual interview. Well, due to one thing or another, people kept telling me I couldn't continue bla bla bla. So I kept having to ring Simon from the agency organising the whole shebang (which started getting daft and he made jokes that people would start talking as I kept asking for him, haha..not!). So. After various phone calls, eventually the confusion was sorted, I was getting closer to tears at this point being tired from lack of sleep due to being ill, and I could begin.
The first part of the process was to obviously give my details, then answer strongly agree to strongly disagree on various statements. Once that was passed I had a maths quiz of 5 questions, which I passed. Finally came the phone interview which was a competency thingy I think, had one before in another interview. Anywho, I passed that well apparently and so onto the main face-to-face interview with the lovely Katrina. She's really helped me out with applying for the job, so now I get to meet her in person on Monday. Fingers crossed something happens. For now though, I have applied to over 70 jobs since July, so it would be nice if that number didn't have to rise anymore!