18 March, 2010

Hello, again

Have a week off work this week and have finally got round to getting this newsletter started for work. I kept nagging people to give me input and one of the ideas was to have a staff profile to show customers we aren't all robots! So.. I have been chasing around to get my Manager to answer some questions...I felt like a reporter..taking a picture of him and asking questions ha! Now, I can finally crack on as I want my first issue completed by the beginning of April.

Today has been a day of getting things done. My car insurance is now renewed for next week, our passport applications are ready to be sent off, I've got the info I need to crack on with my newsletter project and the car has had a much needed clean, though goodness knows how on earth I am going to shift those Dalmation hairs out of the upholstery!

Finally, I am going to end today with a trip to The Watermill at Ings for some good grub and I might even have a pint of local ale...mmmmm. I'll share with you my newsletter once it is done.

09 March, 2010

New stuff

At work I volunteered to create a newsletter to give out to customers. Well, you've got to keep practicing your art haven't you? We used to have one going when I started working there, but it kind of fizzled out and I see this as my latest project, plus, I have free range on the design and layout too, which is excellent.

I also noticed another opportunity to design a poster advertising a competition for customers to win a trip to Madrid. So those are now up on the walls, I'll post a piccy on my book work blog linked to this one as soon as I take one.

Also, with Mother's day in a few days I'm going to design a card for my Mum, more personal and all that.

Watch this space for more projects as they happen...

17 February, 2010

Long time...

Well, I'm back again..

Trying to get back into the blogging malarkey. Since my last post..all excited about the new job etc I've been getting frustrated and wanting to get back to my creative roots so the new job hunt begins. I'm still at Natwest, for now. Keeps the money coming in doesn't it. I'm still living in Kendal, t'other half has got himself a job finally, so hopefully we'll have our own place by the end of the year..I set realistic targets you see!

This year I'm hoping big plans will pan out and I'll do my best to keep you posted.

Follow me on twitter if you want, I seem to be on there mostly http://www.twitter.com/Chescaw

T'ra for now!

18 January, 2009

My new job

Now I have officially started working as a Customer Service Officer for Natwest, I am in the middle of a training course in Manchester and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. It's not been all about boring lectures with slide-shows, but more about fun and the people on my course are all friendly and 3 are in the same hotel as me, so it's not boring in the evening! There's less people on the course than I thought there would be, 10 of us next week, but that means we're a close knit group and all talk to each other.

In the branch I'm working at they are all lovely too, were all welcoming when I started and I'd got to know some of them through my various visits to sort out one thing or another. The 3 days I was at the branch were alright, got better each day and I actually served people on the 3rd day rather than shadowing people, which wasn't as daunting as I thought it would be.

I'll be starting off part-time, which isn't what I was wanting, but they are trying to get it sorted so I'm full-time..hopefully sooner rather than later. I've found the locals are already remembering me! Seems you get it a lot working in a bank. I'd explained to someone it was my first day when they had a query and on m 3rd day I was in a card shop and they approached me asking how my 3rd day was going! Well, Kendal is a small town I suppose! Also, with volunteering at Oxfam before starting, I've been seeing 2 people I know every day there. Though, there is a weird lad who worked at Oxfam who I keep seeing at the bank and he seems to know people there. Hope he doesn't come in too often because I barely understand what he says sometimes (he seems lazy with his speech) so it gets awkward!

I think I'm going to enjoy working there, even meeting targets doesn't bother me, as long as I do my best and whats expected of me, that's all that matters.

21 December, 2008

Festive Creativeness!

Well, this year..as I get annoyed with finding assorted card packs that don't have a good example of varied designs of Christmas cards I have decided to make my own cards...and gift tags for that matter! Well, I do have Photoshop after all and all it takes is a blob of glitter glue to make the card more festive. Here's a few examples of what I made..it's a popular idea but instead of buying them..I made them!

I think I'm finished with everything now anyway. I just finished wrapping the presents, though have resolved never to buy teddies as gifts again as they are a bugger to wrap! The cards got posted out the other day and my Mum thanked me for hers so everyone else must have got theirs. I'm now finally starting to feel festive after all the fuss of getting it all sorted!

16 December, 2008


OK so a lot has happened since my last post. I am now officially an employee of The Royal Bank of Scotland, working at Natwest. So the 3 hour phone call was worth it! I have a huuuuuge welcome pack etc and have to go on a training course in Manchester in the New Year which should be good, though not looking forward to being away from my fella for 4 nights...I'm a soft touch!

So while I wait to start in January, I've been volunteering at Oxfam in Kendal. I've always taken an interest in Oxfam from my 6th form days so glad to help out there and gets first dibs on the nice stuff they get haha. It gives me something to do and a bit of a routine and also looks good on my CV. Plus, I've met some lovely people there, there aren't just old ladies who work there you know! Though I must say, some of the elder women there are slightly patronising as though I've never worked in a ship before..hmmmmmm... but seriously it's all good :-)

Can't wait to start the new year with a job! Then there will be the more serious hunt for a car....

23 October, 2008

Three bloody hours, but...

Well, after an exasperating 3 and a half hours on and off the phone and speaking to various members of staff of the Royal Bank of Scotland trying to resolve some confusion, I did it. I'll start from the beginning. As you may be aware from the previous post, I am applying to work for RBS after my temporary experience at Natwest bank. I have an interview, but due to the system that RBS has, I had to follow a few steps before the actual interview. Well, due to one thing or another, people kept telling me I couldn't continue bla bla bla. So I kept having to ring Simon from the agency organising the whole shebang (which started getting daft and he made jokes that people would start talking as I kept asking for him, haha..not!). So. After various phone calls, eventually the confusion was sorted, I was getting closer to tears at this point being tired from lack of sleep due to being ill, and I could begin.

The first part of the process was to obviously give my details, then answer strongly agree to strongly disagree on various statements. Once that was passed I had a maths quiz of 5 questions, which I passed. Finally came the phone interview which was a competency thingy I think, had one before in another interview. Anywho, I passed that well apparently and so onto the main face-to-face interview with the lovely Katrina. She's really helped me out with applying for the job, so now I get to meet her in person on Monday. Fingers crossed something happens. For now though, I have applied to over 70 jobs since July, so it would be nice if that number didn't have to rise anymore!