18 March, 2010

Hello, again

Have a week off work this week and have finally got round to getting this newsletter started for work. I kept nagging people to give me input and one of the ideas was to have a staff profile to show customers we aren't all robots! So.. I have been chasing around to get my Manager to answer some questions...I felt like a reporter..taking a picture of him and asking questions ha! Now, I can finally crack on as I want my first issue completed by the beginning of April.

Today has been a day of getting things done. My car insurance is now renewed for next week, our passport applications are ready to be sent off, I've got the info I need to crack on with my newsletter project and the car has had a much needed clean, though goodness knows how on earth I am going to shift those Dalmation hairs out of the upholstery!

Finally, I am going to end today with a trip to The Watermill at Ings for some good grub and I might even have a pint of local ale...mmmmm. I'll share with you my newsletter once it is done.

09 March, 2010

New stuff

At work I volunteered to create a newsletter to give out to customers. Well, you've got to keep practicing your art haven't you? We used to have one going when I started working there, but it kind of fizzled out and I see this as my latest project, plus, I have free range on the design and layout too, which is excellent.

I also noticed another opportunity to design a poster advertising a competition for customers to win a trip to Madrid. So those are now up on the walls, I'll post a piccy on my book work blog linked to this one as soon as I take one.

Also, with Mother's day in a few days I'm going to design a card for my Mum, more personal and all that.

Watch this space for more projects as they happen...