18 February, 2008

One down, two to go

It's a great relief when pieces of work and projects are completed. I finally finished one of my competition pieces today, I just have to get it prepared for delivery. Also, I realised I wasn't as crap at Photoshop as I lead myself to believe. I guess it's like riding a bike, once you know you never forget.

Since the excitement of getting my work finished and mounted, I've hit a block for the evening. I have TV ad scripts to be written for a critique on Thursday, as well as beginning the final stages of another brief, which I am no where near starting. I suppose if I browse websites for inspiration such as 'Ads of the World' and 'Youtube', ideas may come to me. For now, research just isn't helping. When I next post a blog, hopefully some scripts and ideas will have come out of hiding.

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